Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heart of a Warrior.

I'm embarking on my second Viking Training Voyage (or is that raid?). It has been almost a year since I have done a solid stint of VO2Max work and that is far to long. I have read and reread Kenneth Jay Master RKC's Viking Warrior Conditioning more than any other book in my library save the Tao Te Ching, Naked Warrior and Enter the Kettlebell.

The 15:15 protocol is my baby until I hit 80 sets of 8 with the 20kg. I will throw in a couple of "Brute" days with Heavy Double Kettlebell work and strongmanish stuff (nail bends, sledge levers, and flipping the 650lb tire at 180.) I will of course keep my early morning Get-ups and swings as a "system check." I am prepping for R-phase Z-Health cert so I'm hitting Z hard that possible?

See you on the other side. You will know it's me because I will have the heart forged of elastic steel!

1 comment:

  1. I am starting the VWC from scratch this week. I had to enlist someone to do it with me since doing it alone sucks.
